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Pest and Disease Control

We have a wide range of safe and effective options for controlling pests amongst your plants, whether indoors or outside. We tend to prefer the safe, organic options where possible. Products like Aquablast and Spidermite Control are made from natural ingredients and can be used safely on edible crops.

Natural products can be used for control of most pest problems but sometimes something stronger is needed. In these circumstances we prefer to use a “smoke” type product such as Fumite or Fortefog. The great advantage is that they can be used to fumigate greenhouses and indoor growing areas whilst humans are absent. The fuse is lit and the door firmly closed. The room can be left overnight and should be completely free of pests by morning.

Agrodust pesticide free insect control dust.

Agrodust pesticide free insect control dust.

An alternative dust that actually contains no pesticidal ingredients whatsoever.
Agrothrin insecticidal dust.

Agrothrin insecticidal dust.

An insecticidal dust based on 100% natural extracts from African chrysanthemums.
Aquablast Bug Spray

Aquablast Bug Spray

This is a safe, natural and effective spray for all common pests.
Fortefog Fumers

Fortefog Fumers

Powerful and easy to use fumers as used by professionals.


The Famous Fogger.
Protector Natural Aerosol Spray.

Protector Natural Aerosol Spray.

100% natural active ingredient insecticide, based on extracts from African chrysanthemums.
Pyrethrum 5 EC

Pyrethrum 5 EC

Concentrated organic pesticide.
SB Plant Invigorator

SB Plant Invigorator

A unique 3 in 1 pesticide / Mildewcide / Foliar Nutrient that is biodegradable, non-toxic and environmentally friendly.
Spidermite Control

Spidermite Control

Safe, effective and organic control of spidermites.